Friday, February 22, 2013

Feb 22st--Literature Circle Book Selection

For literature circles, you will have the option of reading one of the following books. Click on each link to visit the Amazon site for that book. Take time to read the book descriptions and reviews. Take notes in your daybook so you can make an informed decision about which book you would like to read.

Bronx Mascarade


 I am the Messenger 




 The Rules of Survival 

 Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry 



Thursday, February 21, 2013

Feb 22nd--Reflective Portfolio Creation/ELA Showcase Prep

Feb 21st--Thinking about College Readiness

Click here to see the school experiences collected by your classmates.

 On your own paper, answer the following questions:

1. What does it mean for someone to be "college ready"

Name two of the schooling experiences from peoples' narratives are important for college readiness? Explain why. 

3. Name two of the schooling experiences from peoples' narratives are not important for college readiness? Explain why. 

4. What questions could you ask college freshman to better help you understand what it means to be college ready (list at least 3)?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

February 7th--Analyzing the Inaugural Speech

Block 1: Click here to access the full text of the president's 2013 inaugural speech.

Considering what you had learned from your research yesterday and class activities last week, highlight elements of the president's speech that connect to what you had learned.

In a stickynote, include related comments, questions, or additional thinking.

On your half-sheet, explain how your response to the president connected to the thinking and learning that you were doing in class about the American Dream.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Feb 6th, Inquiring into the American Dream

Click here to see what we are wondering about the Government and the American Dream:  

1. Search the web for sites containing information you are wondering about, connected to our topic of The role of Government and the American Dream

2. Use Diigo to highlight relevant information on the sites.

3. Include your own response/questions on stickynotes

4. Share to fultonsela Diigo group

----reflecting on point of view in informational text

For one of the sources you read, complete the following on your half-sheet of paper:

  1. Source Title:
  2. Author's point of view/purpose:
  3. Specific information from the text that supports that point of view/purpose: