Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 19th--Final Night Response

Final Night Reflection Questions

1. How do the people Wiesel interacts with strengthen or diminish his hope and desire to live?  You could consider his father, Madame Schacter, Juliek (the violinist), the French girl, Rabbi Eliahou and his son, the Nazis.

2. Why do you think Wiesel titled the novel, Night

3. As Night begins, Eliezer is so moved by faith that he weeps when he prays. He is also searching for a deeper understanding of the mystical teachings of the Kabbalah. How does Eliezer's relationship with his faith and with God change as the book progresses?

4. At the end of Night, Wiesel writes: "From the depths of the mirror, a corpse was contemplating me. The look in his eyes as he gazed at me has never left me" (p. 115). What parts of Eliezer died during his captivity? What was born in their place?

5. What scenes from Night do you remember most vividly? Have they made you look at the world or your family differently?

Tuesday, Dec 18th--Say something reflection

Monday, December 3, 2012

In-class assignment descriptions for make-up work

Because some of the assignments we competed in class were done on your own paper, there are not handouts that explain the assignments.  Listed below are those assignments given the first half of this second quarter. 

All other assignments have been posted to my lesson's blog.

Remember, any work that you decide to make-up must be turned in by Friday, December 7th.  Please email Mr. Fulton at steve.fulton@kcs.k12.nc.us if you have any further questions.

  • FFA Feelings toward Charlie

  • FFA PR 11 Study Guide (click here) You may print the study guide or answer questions on your own paper.

  • FFA Charlie's Decline Tracking

  • Tell Tale Heart Mood and Analyis

  • Tell Tale Heart Text Based Response--Complete all questions found after the story that begins on p. 542 of the text book.  This isn't the exact same assignment as what we did in class (it was based around class discussion and group work), but completing this will take the place of that assignment.